This is for all my fellow 'Quick Starts'
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9th Sunday after Pentecost: Matthew 14. 22-34 - Jesus walks on the water
Let’s start with a confession. I relate to Peter in this story. Of course, I’m not putting myself on a pedestal equal to an apostle! I only relate to his “fire, aim, ready” approach to almost everything.
A few years ago I was part of a business workshop that helped business owners figure out their “working style.” I won’t bore you with all the details of that but the style that suited me was called “Quick Start.” Yes, my “style” was leap then look. They said I was the sort of person that was comfortable to start a project then plan it out as I go. In other words, I was comfortable to wing it and make it up as I went along. I wasn’t sure if that was a compliment or a warning. Likely both.
What the intent, it wasn’t exactly a badge of honor! Especially in a business setting where most people love spreadsheets and long planning sessions before launching new projects. However, if a project needs to get off the ground quickly from a dead stop, I’m your guy. It will likely be messy but I can at least get things moving in a direction. Steering it? That comes later and you’d want someone else with more precision and focus than me. Squirrel!
This also explains why when I joined the Church, I immediately had all kinds of ideas of things I could do - “I’m ready! Put me in coach!” Fr. Steven wisely said, “We need to slow this train down.” He knew what I wanted to do and what was best for me (and the Church too) was not the same.
Peter was a “Quick Start.” He is often portrayed in the Gospels as being impetuous. As someone ready to leap before he looks! But I want to give my fellow Quick Start some props. In this story at least he is the only disciple who got out of the boat and tried to walk on water. And he did ever so briefly walk on water before starting to sink. And it’s quite possible the other disciples were in the boat with expressions of, “I could have told you that was going to happen!” Maybe there were even some disciples who rolled their eyes with a “There goes Peter again!” However, let’s not lose sight of the fact that he got a couple of steps before starting to sink. The other disciples got exactly zero.
Where might God be calling you to step up and take action? Is there a ministry you’ve been considering joining? Or starting? Is there a relationship that needs mending or initiated? What is God calling you to that scares you but you just know deep down it’s been on hold too long?
Perhaps it’s time to rip a page out of Peter’s playbook and just jump in and get started. Squirrel!