A Life-giving Forgiveness

10th Sunday after Pentecost Matthew 18.23-35 Forgiveness is a hot topic right now in the news as there is consideration being given to canceling student loan debt. Making a political statement one way of the other on this issue is well beyond the scope of this essay. However, one of the most common objections I see to loan forgiveness has to do with fairness. People are complaining that it isn’t fair that they had to pay all their debts off so why shouldn’t this generation have to do the same? There is a real fear that this act of forgiveness might lead to an entitlement attitude where a whole generation will get off the hook for paying back what they owe. This week’s gospel reading is about similar themes. Forgiveness. Fairness. But even more importantly about how God forgives and how that should shape how we forgive. This may be among the most pointed, clearest teachings on forgiveness in all of Scripture. It spells out exactly what Jesus taught us in the prayer he...