Introducing 'Oaks of Mamre'
Dear Parish Faithful & Friends in Christ, "He who believes in me, as the scripture has said, 'Out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water'." (Jn. 7:38) This is the beginning of a new blog series coming from our Oaks of Mamre Ministry. The chair of that committee is Kevin Rains, and what Kevin writes below is a fine explanation of the work and goal of that ministry. Briefly stated here, it is about parish hospitality as a key component on assisting visitors and inquirers to experience the fulness of life offered in an Orthodox Christian community. - Fr. Steven ~ ~ ~ Abraham and Sarah serve the Lord by the Oaks of Mamre (Genesis 18) Hi. This is Kevin Rains. I lead the Oaks of Mamre ministry for Christ the Savior/Holy Spirit. The title of our ministry may be a little obscure to some but it’s based on a story told in The Book of Genesis (ch. 18) and further enlarged in a famous icon about Abraham providing hospitality to three stran...