'Be of good cheer!' - Sharing the Gospel by word and handshake

A reflection on Matthew 9.1-8, Christ heals a paralytic Not long ago our daughter was learning to drive. She could not wait to get her license! She dreamed of the day when she would be able to just hop in a car and go wherever she needed to go, on her terms, in her timing with utter freedom. But there were a couple hurdles in front of her. One, in Kentucky, you have to have 60 hours of driving practice with an adult after you get your temps. Also, her mother and I - tyrants that we are! - required that all of our children go to driving school. This required a $500 investment that she would have to make from her own funds not to mention the extra time and effort required. At one point when we were practicing, she said to me, exasperated, “It just feels like I’m never going to be able to drive!” I tried to explain to her that she was actually really close. She had her temps. She had already completed 50 hours of her required 60. And her driving school h...