Let's go fishing together!

Order the icon from the Ancient Faith Store... I love to fish! It was something I did as a kid with my dad. But then college, marriage, career, and kids all started happening in rapid succession. Soon decades had passed and I had not packed up a pole. In all honesty, I didn’t really love fishing even as a kid. I loved being with my dad mostly. But then a few years ago, we moved to a new home next to a lake. When my dad heard I was moving near a lake he gave me a pole he had for years. It had a small lure on the end. So, I figured, why not? I threw a line in the lake behind our home just a few days after arriving. On my second cast, bam! A largemouth bass was dancing on the end of my line. Second cast! I was hooked. <wink> It was exhilarating. I had an epiphany. Fishing is ok, but catching is everything. Now I love fishing because I’ve learned to couple it with catching. The gospel reading from this week is all about fishing. Jesus, walking by the Sea of ...